
*** Africa ***

Moving from Africa after living there for 23 years has left me a little nostalgic this morning.

Some things I miss:

Sunshine. Heat. 
Colour.  Here everything is grey and muted. Everything looks and feels the same.
Thunderstorms. The sound of heavy rain.  Yellow light after a thunderstorm.
Flowers.  Jacarandas. Hibiscus. Bougainvillea. 
Baobab trees, Palm trees. Coconuts. Fynbos.
Penguins, seals, dassies, monkeys, camels
South african sense of humour and openness.
Friends I've known 'forever'.
Tings an times, Cool Runnings
Space. Gardens.  Pools. Nkwe. Harties.
Braais. Biltong.
Sitting on the ground.  People here do not like to do that.
Pap. With cheese. Or sous.
People carrying things on their heads.

Some things I don't miss:

Paralysing fear. Being petrified of rape, murder, mugging, armed robbery, hi-jacking.  Every day. All the time.
People wanting to burn everything if it doesn't work.
Nothing works.
No being able to drive a car. i.e. being stuck. Everywhere. All the time.
All the political nonsense.

Oppikoppi. Img from tailsofamermaid

 Penguins (Photo by Charles Fred)

Barber sign (Img by Sallyrango

Fruit and colour. (Img by Charles Fred)

Ingemaak. Geskenke. Tamaties. (Img by Charles Fred)

Ostriches. Funny birds. (Img also by Charles Fred)

Classic (Img from here)

The amount of time and money spend here. Hmmm. Runnings. I miss you so. (Img from here

 Another Cool Runnings (Img from here)
 Jacaranda city :) [Img by Frikkieawesome]

Harties (Img from here)

 Skillz. Marabastad. (Img by Anthony Comyn, have a look at his photography site here)

More head carrying in Marabastad. Also by Anthony Comyn

On the Koppi at Oppikoppi. (Img here

More purple prettiness. Img by Anthony again, here

Space. I miss space. Img by Justin Lee

Diani Beach. Kenya. Paradise. (Img here

Penguins in the beautiful Cape. (Img here

Cool ass sail boat. Diani beach. (Img here

Sunset colours. I remember the colours in the sky. Everything but grey. Img by Justin Lee.

The infamous Tings menu.  Full of little gems and delicious food. Img from here.

And now for the reasons I left.  Be warned.  All disturbing on different levels.:

(Article here)

(From Louis Theroux "Law and Disorder in Johannesburg")

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately crime is everywhere not only South Africa. We miss you too! :)

    PS Surely 443 House of FNU should be added to that list
